India’s world cup winning captain Mahendra Singh Dhoni has always been termed to have one of the best brains in modern cricket. His game awareness, on-field calculations and running between the wickets made me remember one of Pakistan’s great batsmen Javed Miandad whose street smartness was greatly hailed in his hay days. Miandad like Dhoni was great judger of the runs between the wickets. Working with angles and putting pressure on the fielders was one of the great attribute of Miandad’s batting style.
While folding the page of history I came across an ugly similarity in the careers of both the players.
Yesterday at twilight of his career Mahendra Singh Dhoni lost his wicket against New Zealand while attempting a 2nd run in order to keep strike to keep the hopes of Indian alive in ICC Cricket World Cup 2019 but the master of running between the wickets fall short of his crease.
Close to 23 years ago Javed Miandad’s career also ended in same fashion when he was trying to pinch a quick single against India in ICC Cricket World 1996 quarter final at Bangalore, but the increasing age doesn’t help the cause and one of the best strike rotators lost his wicket and with his wicket Pakistan hopes of reaching to semi final also done and dusted. It eventually results to be the last match of Javed Miandad’s 21 year international career.
With so much pressure exerted on Mahendra Singh Dhoni because of his lackluster performances over the past year while chasing, yesterday’s match may become the Dhoni’s last match of international career.
In this way two greatest minds of sub continental cricket may have same end to their careers.